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About Chen Taiji


Chen Style Taijiquan

What is Chen Style Taijiquan

Literally translated, taijichuan means “supreme ultimate fist”, is a martial art that builds its physical training methods on the traditional Chinese philosophical concepts of Yin and Yang, polar opposites that are perceived to be foundational principles governing all of nature.

Based on martial arts traditions that are far older, contemporary taijiquan dates from the 18th century, in the Chen village in Hebei, China. For many generations, this martial art was transmitted only within the Chen lineage. By the late Qing dynasty, the Chen lineage began teaching Taijiquan to outsiders and the style became well-known as a powerful system for both self defence and for nurturing robust heath.

Taiji is taught through “routines” or “forms” which, in essence, are a pre-arranged calisthenics characterized by slow, relaxed, rounded, and grounded movement. Taiji does not stress the use of outward force in movement, but rather relies on inner awareness, the use of expansionary force emanating from the ground and inside the body, and encouraging balance amongst the different parts of the body. Taiji training methods, in accordance with general principles of traditional Chinese medicine, aim to strengthen the function of the bodys internal organs and promote the flow of ‘qi’ energy through a system of meridian channels. With these goals in mind, the routines or forms of taiji are performed with a relaxed intention to coordinate the body, a form of training which has often led taiji to be called “meditation in motion”.

Why Learn Chen Style Taijiquan

Relaxation. Training in Taiji involves a nuanced study of body mechanics, and emphasizes harmonizing the body movement with breathing which leads to a greatly enhanced sense of physical and spiritual tranquility.

Revitalization. Taiji training will enhance and rejuvenate the body’s muscle, circulatory and nervous systems. It is renowned for strengthening people’s health and for alleviating illness.

Self Defence. Taiji training develops the practitioner’s ability to develop and access “internal strength”, an ability more simply understood as force pathways through the body. By employing a range of Daoist and martial arts concepts such as “four ounces can defeat 1000 pounds” and “use soft to overcome hard”, Taiji practitioners can develop robust self-defense skills.

About Chen Taiji

Updated on 2021-09-24T14:12:24-06:00, by Ray Ambrosi.